How Innovation Drives Green Lease - From Compliance, Cost Center to Profit Making


Mr Arthur LAM 

Co Founder and CEO, Negawatt



With New Normal, ESG has been the hottest topic among business leaders. How to use technology to drive digital transformation across stakeholders in the built environment? What are the roadblocks and how to turn them into opportunities?


Arthur is the Co Founder and CEO of Negawatt, an AIoT (Artificial Intelligent of Things) proptech startup specializing smart building solutions with the focus on net zero and resilience. Working in the sustainability industry for over 14 years, he was the Co Founder of Synergy Group, a cleantech company listed on HKEx Main Board specialising in Energy Management Contracts with businesses across APAC and Africa.

Graduated with a Mechanical Engineering degree from University of Notre Dame, Arthur is a certified Energy Manager, Carbon Auditor, and ESG Planner. Arthur is certificate holder from University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership for Net Zero, MIT Sloan School for Management for Artificial Intelligence in Business, and Stanford University for Professional Development for Venture Capital.


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